Oral Surgery Services: Expert Care for Complex Dental Issues

When dental issues become too complex for general dental procedures, oral surgery often becomes necessary to restore health and function to your mouth. Oral surgery can address a range of conditions, from impacted wisdom teeth to placing dental implants. Let’s explore the variety of oral surgery services offered by our skilled team and understand how these procedures can help maintain your oral health.

The Role of Oral Surgery in Dental Health

Oral surgery encompasses a wide array of procedures that target complex issues in the mouth, teeth, and jaw. These procedures often involve a surgical approach to correct problems that are either congenital or developed over time due to trauma, decay, or other conditions. Oral surgeons are specially trained to handle these cases, ensuring the best outcomes for patients facing challenging dental problems.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, usually emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood. In many cases, there isn’t enough room in the mouth to accommodate these additional teeth, leading to crowding, impaction, or infections. Oral surgeons typically perform wisdom tooth extractions to prevent or address these issues.

Why Extract Wisdom Teeth?

  • Impaction: Teeth that don’t fully emerge can become trapped in the jawbone, causing pain and infections.
  • Crowding: Extra teeth can push other teeth out of alignment, impacting the bite and aesthetics.
  • Infection: Partially erupted teeth can be challenging to clean, leading to decay and gum disease.

Dental Implant Placement

Dental implants are a revolutionary solution for replacing missing teeth. They consist of titanium posts that are surgically implanted into the jawbone to act as artificial tooth roots, supporting crowns or dentures. This oral surgery service is ideal for patients looking for a long-term solution to restore function and appearance.

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Natural Look and Feel: Implants mimic natural teeth in both appearance and function.
  • Durability: With proper care, implants can last for many years, even a lifetime.
  • Jawbone Preservation: Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss that can occur after tooth loss.

Watch the video below to see how an implant-supported bridge replaces missing front teeth using traditional dental impressions.

Other Oral Surgery Services

Our team also provides various other oral surgery services to address a wide range of dental issues:

  • Bone Grafting: To rebuild lost bone in preparation for dental implants.
  • Oral Pathology: Biopsies and treatments for lesions or abnormalities in the mouth.

Our Approach to Oral Surgery

Our team of oral surgeons is dedicated to providing expert care with a patient-centered approach. We ensure:

  • Thorough Consultation: Each patient receives a detailed examination and consultation to discuss the best treatment options.
  • Comfort and Safety: We prioritize patient comfort, using the latest anesthesia techniques and sterilization protocols to ensure a safe experience.

Importance of Oral Surgery

Oral surgery services play a crucial role in addressing complex dental issues that cannot be managed through standard dental procedures. Whether it’s wisdom tooth extraction, dental implant placement, or other specialized services, our skilled team is committed to providing expert care.

By addressing these issues with the right surgical intervention, we help restore your oral health and improve your quality of life. If you have concerns that may require oral surgery, consult with our team to explore the best options for your needs.